When you are struggling in life, please read my poem. It is written for you.
Thanks for reading.
I hope my poem from my powerful poetry book, Healing Is a Gift, inspired you to embrace your precious self.
Healing Is a Gift is here to help you make peace with your past and love your beautiful self more. Healing Is a Gift is a gentle reminder to believe in your unique beauty despite imperfections. Get your exquisite copy of Healing Is a Gift today and remind yourself, ‘my heart is a poem.’ If you haven’t read my book, today is the right time to discover it.
Much love and gratitude to all those who support my work, champion my book on social media or show their appreciation by writing a short Amazon review. Thank you very much for your support, love, and kindness. I would never be here without you. Thank you, beautiful souls.
Aş fi vrut să îţi spun (şi se aude aşa frumos!), dar pentru că nu ştiu cum, scriu aici:
Eşti mult mai mult decât suferinţele tale.
Eşti mult mai mult decât eşecurile tale.
Eşti mult mai mult decât lacrimile tale.
Eşti poezie.
Inima îţi este un poem.
Multumesc din suflet, Maria.🌹 Ma bucur nespus ca iti place. ❤️ Am scris poezia asta ca … pe o soapta pe care fie o spui sufletului tau, in taina, fie cel drag ti-o spune in momente de cumpana. 😍 Te mai astept aici. Te imbratisez cu drag.🙂